The Nanny League partnered with Stop the Silence® to develop an on-line training specifically for nannies about CSA prevention and mitigation. For only $39.99, the training will provide you with an overview on the issue of CSA– including trafficking: what it is, what it does, how you can prevent it, how you can detect a problem, and how you can report it.
Child sexual abuse (CSA) and other Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are occurring in pandemic proportions. CSA includes actions from voyeurism to rape. Other ACEs include physical and emotional abuse and other traumatic circumstances for children. CSA usually happens over an extended period of time by someone close to the child. There are at least 42 million adult CSA survivors in the U.S. alone. Given the often grave physical, psychological and social trauma and outcomes of CSA and other ACEs, they affect not only individuals but societies.
Stop the Silence® – A Department of the Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma, a non-profit, charitable 501(c)(3) organization has a Mission to promote violence-free living by improving the quality of life for individuals on local, national and international levels by sharing and disseminating vital information, improving cross-discipline collaborations, conducting research and trainings, and providing direct professional services, program evaluation, and consulting.

Every Body Talk
A book about our body and boundaries, teaching protective skills to support healthy relationships.
Every Body Talk is an introduction to age-appropriate caregiver/child conversations about body safety, child abuse prevention, and ultimately sexual assault prevention aimed at children from birth through eight. This book is a guide for caregiver-to-child conversations to accomplish the first step in ensuring child safety – enabling the child to discuss anything of concern when it comes to themself and their body.
Child protection like sexual abuse and sexual assault prevention is a lifelong conversation and Every Body Talk is the beginning.
Ensuring children are taught to protect themselves.
Childhood sexual abuse survivor Erin Merryn is lobbying every state to pass Erin’s Law, which requires all public schools in each state implement a prevention-oriented child sexual abuse program.

Erin’s Law is named after childhood sexual assault survivor, author, speaker and activist Erin Merryn, who is the founder and President of Erin’s Law, which is registered with the State of Illinois and the IRS as a 501 (c)(4) non-profit social welfare organization.